
TreesTrees are plants having a permanently woody main stem or trunk, ordinarily growing to a considerable height, and usually developing branches at some distance from the ground. They provide the perfect background to soften, complement, and enhance architecture.

Click on the link to sorty alphabetically
Genus/SpeciesCultivarCommon Name
CercidiphyllumRed FoxKatsura Tree
Acer palmatumCrimson QueenJapanese Maple
Acer palmatumPung KilJapanese Maple
Acer palmatumRhode Island RedJapanese Maple
Acer palmatumBloodgood Bloodgood Japanese Maple

Plant Availability

Plant availability at Sunnyfield changes throughout the season. Availability may change due to crop failures, cancellations, and sell-outs. These lists are provided for your reference and do not guarantee that plants will be available at all times throughout the season.